Project title

Pevention and Response to Child Marriage and Teenage Pregnancy in Acholi Sub-region


life skills

This Life Skills training is aimed at achieving Ywide’s strategic goal of advancing girl’s leadership by working directly with girls. The training focuses on building leadership skills, dealing with emotions, conflict and peace, rights and responsibilities, gender relation, sexual and reproductive health, parenting, personal choice among other modules. The aim is to make girls make constructive decisions that propel them to continue with education and delay early union and early pregnancy.

economic empowerment

Beneficiaries of Life Skills training are given the opportunity to attend beads making training (using the beads to make expensive women hand bags), they are also engage in Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA) they also practice various traditional dances to strengthen their Music Dance and Drama activity. This is done to create skills to enable earn a living.


Agriculture projects in the Acholi subregion are playing a crucial role in preventing child marriage and teenage pregnancy. By providing young girls with access to education and vocational training in agriculture, these projects help keep them engaged and motivated to pursue their studies instead of getting married early. The economic empowerment that comes from agricultural skills can also reduce the financial pressures that often lead families to marry off their daughters at a young age. These initiatives not only promote sustainable development but also create a supportive environment for girls to thrive and avoid early pregnancies.

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